Monday, July 12, 2010

Valuable Tips to be Happy

Happiness is the essence of fruitful life. It is not possible to achieve the healthy life without being happy. Now ask these questions to yourself Are you really happy? Do you know what does it mean to be happy? What are all the ways to achieve the happiness? God has blessed the happiness naturally in each one of us. But, few people trust that they do not deserve happiness and they would accept their unhappy state as their destiny. Hence, we have to believe that we are here to be happy and our happiness should not cause unhappiness to anyone else. In this article, I have higlighted few points to be happy.

1. Understand what will make you happy. Justify, if it is harmful to yourself or others. Some people find their happiness by making others sad. This ends with trouble.

2. Identify the ways to achieve the thing that makes you feel happy.

3. Let you be in the midst of happy people. When you are surrounded with people who speak negatively, there are chances for you to become a pessimist. negtive thoughts spread the stress and the unhappy atmosphere. Conversely, if you are with the optimist, you are thoughts also would be postive
which spreads happiness. Hence, you should be very conscious about your thoughts as well.

4. Do not give a chance to self pity. Self pity swallows the happiness. When something goes wrong, try finding out solution instead of wallowing in self pity. Because little thoughts also change the mood of the situation which causes unnecessary bitterness.

5. Spend at least few minutes speaking with God daily even if you won’t believe in any religion. On seeing the creations of this world, we cannot disagree that there is no creator. Who holds the world and the other planets in the universe? Who has created the human and all living creature with unique characteristics? You may get thousand scientific reasons for every question but, the beginning of the world is always a myth in Science. It proves that there is an almighty that holds you and me. Switch off your worldly thoughts for some time and completely focus on the creator. This would reduce your uncertainty and provides hope.

6. It is also important that to do something nice for yourself each day. Preparing a nice lunch, take a long and relaxing bath and spend time on dressing up.

7. Finding happiness and humor in every situation. Practice your mind to grasp the good thing even from the unwanted situation happened. Focusing on only happy and good things makes you to be happy and charming.

8. Forget about the mistakes that others have done. Cleanse your thoughts and mind everyday. Do not keep any anger in your heart about others. Try sorting out the problems then and there. If you cannot sort out the same, just leave that and forgive the person who is creating the gloom.

9. Have nutritious food which makes you healthy. Being obese or not eating proper food would make you tired and to have a negticve mood. Regular exercise would make your body fit. In turn, healthy life provides you more happiness.

10. Finally trust that God has created you to be happy and spread the same to others as well. Also believe that you deserve happiness and no worries can gulp you.

Happiness is the wonderful medicine for stress and hyper tension. It creates sweet and fruitful atmosphere to us as well as the people surrounding us. Now the choice is yours, to choose being happy.

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