Thursday, July 29, 2010

How to Shape Up Post-C-Section

Post C section Exercises as advised by as Physiotherapist

Post surgery any training needs to be supervised in the early stages so the wound does not open. Coordinated breathing exercises can be started immediately. All post partum exercises should be started gently and by starting with simple pure Pilates coordinated breathing exercises.

As a Physiotherapist and a Pilate's teacher and a mother of 3 boys. I have knowledge to share on this topic.

All Post C section exercises need to be started immediately under strict supervision. The wound needs to be clean and strong and healing. Follow the nursing staff advise on this

I can give you some very simple techniques to start with.

OK What Program should you do?

This is an exercise I give every patient having had any surgery. This is an exercise to initiate the Transverse abdominal muscle (TVA). This muscle is one of the most vital post c section exercises. It will help with pain and scar adhesion's and core strength. You can also start initiating the pelvic floor.

I also give this exercise to all new mothers post pregnancy.

I have modified this exercise for the post C section mother for extra success and for pain relief

o Lay on your tummy with a pillow under your tummy.
o put a pillow under your feet as well
o concentrate on your breathing pattern,
o feel your chest or belly moving with your breath, pain may make the breath shallow
o As you blow out draw your belly button in toward your spine. there will be very little to start with.
o Let it out as you breathe in, this will be very weak when you start and may cause pain.
o This is the opposite pattern to which you are used to.
o Your post c section exercises have started, simple as that
o hold your belly as you practice it will be painful first up

o Practice coordinating your breath out while drawing your tummy in.
o This coordinating breathing action can be practiced in any position once you have the pattern correct.
o progress the post c section exercises by drawing your tummy in while breast feeding or on the toilet or just resting, try it without the breath out.

Start this simple exercise and you are on your way to the next post c section exercises.

The next step

Once you have the TVA muscle working you can train it to be functional.

Begin to hold the muscle tight while you are doing a task. The post c section exercises progress quite quickly once you can hold the tone while working. For more information follow the links.

Be sure to be safe with any post partum exercises especially the post c section exercises as you become more mobile Follow the links below for more information on this exercise program

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