Monday, July 19, 2010

Suicide and Depression

s a hugely relevant topic for today’s generation. Many suicidal individuals go largely unnoticed or are often shunned and ignored by most of society. They are often seen as weak and bothersome individuals who require too much attention.

This perception is completely and shamefully misguided. Few can understand the immense weight and pain that a suicidal person carries. To view someone suffering from this kind of pain as somehow insufficient is devastatingly ignorant and arrogant.

Suicide Stats Over Last 60 Years

Suicide has escalated to magnificent proportions over the past 60 years. Suicide is now the leading cause of death among people of 15- to 25-years-old, according to, a project developed by the Mental Health Association of North Carolina.

This is an extremely frightening indication of how many people suffer from suicidal tendencies in the modern day and age.

There are many reasons for Suicidal thoughts or actions. When confronted by those who are suicidal or express suicidal tendencies, it is imperative that these people who are in immense psychological pain are treated with affection and tenderness. Suicide threats are an outward hint that something is gravely wrong within a person’s life and mental state.

Dealing with Someone who is Suicidal

One should never attempt to counsel or rehabilitate someone with suicidal thoughts themselves. In most cases, those most prone to suicide and suicidal thoughts are people who suffer from serious clinical depression. It's estimated that between 30% to 70% of suicide victims suffer from some form of depression or another psychological disorder such as bipolar (manic depression).

This fact denotes that these cases need to be dealt with professionally and that in most instances, the problem is of a psychiatric nature and the result of a mental disorder or imbalance in brain chemistry. Anti-depressant medications can lead to dramatic improvements in one's condition. Often, it is just a matter of finding the right drug, combined with therapy. Many people’s lives have been completely changed for the better through the use of medication and therapy.

Professionals who deal with cases like these will provide help through psychological training as well as counsel. Often, depression results from major problems within a person’s social or family life. These issues need to be dealt with by careful counseling with a qualified professional.It is extremely important that when dealing with a suicidal person, one acts out of love and complete compassion. Often all the victim desires is an ear to hear. The worst thing one can do is to lecture or to preach to the person who is suffering. It can be beneficial provide information on the local mental health facilities and organizations that can provide assistance.

Hope for Recovery From Depression

Suicide or threats of suicide are a direct expression of a dire need for help. One should always approach those in this position with openness and warmth. One person on recorded his/her feelings toward suicide, saying, “At times, I felt it almost as an entity, darkly drawing me into the dark universe, an eternal vacuum of death ...a wrenching, twisting, turning emotional agony.” This is the reality of depression and it's indicative of the depth of pain that patients can suffer.

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