Sunday, July 18, 2010

Democracy in India

It is on record that we had been under rajas, maharajas, monarchs and then under the imperialists and we took centuries to get freedom from all these people who were never interested in the welfare of the people of their country. They had been dividing us, they had been trying to reduce us to poverty, they had been trying to see that we should be weak and always having one thing in our mind that we should get two time meals and live on and that life they wanted in us only to ensure that we are at their service. And when we started this war of independence, even then the people who were leading us were ensuring us that after getting independence, we shall establish here in India ‘ Ram rajaya’ means the rule which was available during the time of Shri Ram Chandraji. The people who were pronouncing this ‘Ram rajaya’ here in India were not explaining us the definition of ‘Ram rajaya’ and thus the false slogan system had been introduced at that very stage which had been adopted and followed by all those who wanted to reach the seats of power.
It is on record that we got independence on 15th August, 1047 and just on getting this independence, we started working on the Constitution and it is on record that we collected all good things from all the Constitutions available at that time and we also took some points as per Indians situations and framed the Constitution which could be said as the longest and most comprehensive Constitution in the world. We adopted this Constitution on 26th January, 1950 and since then our leaders have started pronouncing that we are one of the largest democracy in the world and we are also pronouncing that we could maintain this democracy in spite of all hurdles.
The democracy which we adopted, as per paper transactions, it is government of the people, by the people and for the people, but if we go deep, we shall note that it is not government of the people. A few person who were available on the political scene took over the charge from the British government and then they adopted all those methods to govern which were adopted by the outgoing imperialists. This groups which took over the charge were not representing the people of India and therefore, they cannot say that they established government of the people. They gave one right to the people of India and that right was right to vote and after each span of five years, people were called to caste votes and then go back to suffer for another term of five years or more. Since the people who were elected were not belonging to them, they never worked for the welfare of the people. They had been establishing here family rule which was an old legacy. They established here in India party dictatorship and during this period we also noted that there were people who established here in India individual autocracy. Such types of governments cannot be called government of the people, because the people who were occupying seats of powers were not from the people of India.
We have noted that here in India we could not establish government by the people, because the politicians here in India were from not from the people of India. They were the people who took over the seats of power from the imperialists. This had been a separate class. The politicians who remained in the field were rich themselves or they were nominees of the rich and powerful and therefore, the governments which were established here in India had been representatives of the people who were rich and powerful and they had been working under their control and they had been working for the welfare of the rich and the powerful and all had been at the cost of the common people who had been casting votes and with whose votes these people had been occupying the seats of power.
And no one can say that the governments which had been established here in India had been governments for the people. Had it been so, the problems of the people of India which had been taking birth during the times of slavery could have been solved. But all the problems which took birth during the slavery time are still existing and some of these problems have turned complex. Most of the people are illiterate, unemployed, poor, houseless, living in huts or in mud houses. Some could be found lying on foot paths. The beggars are on higher side. The people are weak because they are not getting proper diet and they are not in a position to get proper treatment when they are ill. They are not in a position to send their wards to schools, colleges and to the training institutions and that is the reason most of the youths are untrained and are not fit for a job. All these problems have become complicated and even the government and its people have started telling us that such problems are available even in those countries which call themselves as advanced countries. This is not a suitable answer, but we, the people of India are getting this reply.
In a democracy, the people of the country are the real masters of the country and all those who are elected or appointed to carry on administration are called public servants. Such designations have been recognized in India too, but when we go deep, the things are otherwise. All the people who are elected or appointed to carry on administration have turned masters and all the people who are outside the government are slaves and they are being treated as slaves. If they want to meat a public servant they are not allowed to see him and if at all he is allowed to come in, he is not properly seated and he is asked to stand with folded hands and pray for mercy. If we read all the applications, all the petitions and other correspondence initiated from the public side, those shall make it clear that here in India, the people are still slaves and they are asked to write such applications and petitions which must show that the application is coming from a slave and the master shall decide its fate only when the master so desires. The people shall have to wait for the reply or for the decision for years together.
We have seen that instead of enriching the masters, these public servants have become more rich and powerful and now it seems that this ruling class has established themselves separately from the general public and they are taken this line as a profession, trade, calling and employment. They are investing money and when they get power, they mis-utilize this power and through scams, scandals, muddles, bribes, corruption, commissions and other sources, they are collecting money and none is catching them. Even when the oppositions come in power, they just harass the people and they have got no intention in their mind that the guilty should be punished. All this is done just to put dust in eyes of the people and mis-direct their attention. The guilty are not punished, because the people in power know that tomorrow they too shall be be in the docks and they too could be sent to jails. So all they play, these are just friendly matches and therefore, the people of India must understand these tactics of the people in politics in India.
We are noting that people of India are just subjects and they are not allowed to enter this politics in India. This field has been earmarked for the rich and the powerful and therefore, the people of the world who call this country a democracy are not aware of the facts which are available here in India. Then they shall see the real situations, only then they are allowed to form an opinion. The people of India could define this set up as a government of the rich, for the rich and by the rich.
The people of India shall have to conduct an introspection and they should do this without any further loss of time, because they have already suffered for six decades waiting that they shall be allowed to live in a real democracy where they shall be really the masters of the country. If the present sets of people in politics are allowed to continue, they would not allow the concept of democracy to come in. They shall stop the same. Therefore, the people of India must start another war of independence and they must see that they get their own nominees in the government. They must ask all the political parties to give us their nominees for seats of power and the people should be allowed to elect ministers directly and these people should not be appointed by the Prime Minister and by the Chief Ministers. If we introduce this ‘shadow cabinet system’ in India, the people shall be elected competent people as ministers and they shall be getting better governments. For reducing the number of political parties, we should consider the case of all these state level legislative assemblies, and if we find that there is nothing to legislate at these state level institutions, we should abolish these state level legislative assemblies. We should try to establish only two political parties here so that the voters could be at ease while casting their votes. We should see that only those should be allowed to come forward who have got clean record and all those who are with dirty record should not be allowed to seek elections and all should have got clean chit from the administration at least one year in advance. If these measures are adopted, we shall be coming forward and there are chances that we shall be joining the communities of nations which have got democracy. The present situations are not ripe and we should not call these situations as a democracy. The conditions are not matching the definition of democracy which has been accepted in all the books of political science.

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