Monday, July 12, 2010

Can Water Fuel Cells Cure The Energy Problems

The majority of the population of the world, realized several years ago, that energy sources have diminished extremely. One man took the initiative to organize some favorable thoughts to create and practice using water fuel cells as an alternative method of fuel to power automobiles and gas motors.

Water fuel cells were introduced originally to power small horsepower motors such as lawnmowers and go-karts. These motors were used as experimental because of there size and cost.

There are a number of experiments developed by normal ordinary blue collar individuals on the drawing board. However, implementing these developments and transferring them from the drawing board to the market, is not so cut and dried.

Water fuel cells operate completely by the splitting of a water molecule. A water molecule is a molecule because it contains two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen. When this molecule splits into the correct divisions, there is a combustion resulting, which is powerful enough to make a gas powered motor operate to and beyond it's full factory potential.

Anyway, after the energy crisis has moved to one of the many top priority problems in the world, a man invented a way around using fossil fuels to power the machinery used to increase the economy, and died at a young age. According to sources, this man died of an unexpected medical conditions, the hindsight of the entire mess of energy conservation leads many to believe something else. There is another belief because the plans for his development were conveniently lost.

The greediness in the world will have to leave in order for any of the newly introduced energy saving products. Money is the only thing holding the world up from the positive much needed changes necessary for the world to push forward and preserve the entire population. Granted there are countries in which do not use motor operated equipment for anything.

As long as the water fuel cells are brought into the current situation other alternative sources will benefit from these introductions. There needs to be a positive group of people to stick together and bring all these creations and inventions into a way of life as soon as possible.

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