Sunday, July 18, 2010

Are Electronic Cigarettes Safe?

Since 2006, the electronic cigarette has attracted millions of people around the world who have switched from traditional cigarettes to the e-cigarette, also referred to as the "safe cigarette, the e-cigarette, and the smokeless cigarette".

Electronic cigarettes share some aspects of there traditional counterparts, such as appearance, feel and taste of a normal cigarette. But the differences are substantial in that the "safe cigarette" gets it's name because it produces none of the negative aspects of traditional smoking like tar, ignition (heat), up to 4000 types of chemical additives that often lead to respiratory and cardiac system diseases, nor the carcinogenic effects of traditional cigarettes.

Ever since the Surgeon General determined that cigarette smoking is hazardous to your health, cigarette companies have searched for ways to reduce tar and nicotine levels, in efforts to create a more safe smoking experience. Nothing, however, has ever come close to the electronic cigarette.

This revolutionary new smoking alternative, not only simulates cigarette smoke but also the temperature associated with dragging off a common cigarette (50-60 degrees Celsius), thus adding to the psychological habit without adding the hazardous substances which have proven to cause cancerous, including carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, hydrocyanic acid, acrolein, arsenic, lead and hydragyrum.

Smokeless cigarettes were first viewed with trepidation but more and more have become embraced by the public as well as the Medical Association. E-Cigarettes are now manufactured by a number of different companies throughout the US and China and are readily available across the United States and Europe, even the some of the most ardent skeptics have become believers once they try the electronic cigarette.

Adding to the safety benefits, the electronic cigarette has also been proven as a way for smokers to quit the habit, as the level of nicotine can be carefully monitored, thus giving the smoker the option of gradually lowering the level until he/she can quit without fear of withdrawals. Most electronic cigarette refill cartridges are available in full, medium, light and none, and while electronic cigarettes are not yet approved as smoking cessation devices, the potential for the devices to be used as such is somewhat obvious.

It's recommended that people who have demonstrated a sensitivity or allergy to nicotine, pregnant or breastfeeding, or who have unstable heart conditions should discuss the use of an electronic cigarette device with a doctor before using one. Additionally, electronic cigarettes may not be used by anyone under the legal smoking age in your state.

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