Thursday, July 29, 2010

Breast Cancer Alert For Women

Cancer is a lethal disease which kills the most number of people, right after heart diseases. When the cells in the body are affected by cancer, they begin to multiply rapidly and form a lump or a tumor. Cancer shows no significant symptoms until it has spread considerably and has damaged your immune system.

The initial symptoms are quite harmless and similar to non cancerous health problems; it may often go unnoticed. Therefore it is important to pay attention to any chronic or persistent health issue, even if it is only a headache or a sore throat, especially if you have a family history of cancer. Cancer can be cured completely if detected on time.

There are more than a hundred different types of cancers and the various names are given according to the body part affected by the disease. breast cancer and cervical cancer are the two types of cancer that women have to watch out for, especially if they have a history of the disease in the family. There are special screenings that can help detect both cervical and breast cancer in time.

Breast Cancer Detection and Treatment

You should carry out breast self examination regularly and check the breasts for lumps or any abnormal changes in appearance, such as dimpled skin, color change, nipple discharge or pain. Your breasts are at the lowest level of sensitivity just after your menstrual period. So try examining them at this time every month.

This procedure can help even small lumps and this can make a difference of at least six months in starting treatment and improves the chances of survival. Most of the lumps are generally non cancerous but it is better to have it checked by a surgeon to rule out the possibility of cancer.

The investigations may consist of mammogram and a biopsy if needed. Biopsy is performed under general anesthesia and the lump is removed and checked in the laboratory for cancerous elements. If the lump is found to be malignant, lymph nodes from the armpit need to be tested further to find out how much the cancer has spread.

You might need surgery to remove the cancerous lump. Modern surgical procedures do not need the breast to be removed unless the tumor is very large or is closely situated near the chest wall. Just a lumpectomy would be sufficient along with other usual treatments like chemotherapy, radiation or hormone therapy.

The entire procedure requires you to stay in the hospital for about five days and you will need to go afterwards for lymph drainage. You will also be taught some exercises to ease the movement of your arm which might be affected due to some tissues getting removed from the armpit. Thereafter, you will have to continue for some time with chemotherapy, radiation or hormone therapy, whichever your oncologist decides.

It is very important to fight cancer with a positive attitude because a negative attitude will weaken your immune system. There are women who have not even stopped working during their struggle with cancer, except for the few days of hospitalization, and have emerged triumphant with the support they get from the workplace and family.

Remember, cancer is not always fatal. With timely treatment and a positive attitude, this killer disease can be overcome.

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