Thursday, July 29, 2010

Tips For Maintaining Good Health

Following are the tips of enjoy a happy and healthy life:

Eat a range of nutrient-rich foods:

The body requires more than 40 kinds of nutrients for maintaining a good health. Sadly, there is no a single food that can provide everything that your need. In general, the best combination of diet should include bread and other whole-grain products; fruits; vegetables; dairy products; and meat, poultry, fish and other protein foods. It also depends on the amount of calories that your consume on every day. You can consult an expert or get to know your requirements by consulting from a recognized Food Guide Pyramid.

Enjoy food stuffs that build your body:

Many surveys clearly show that most people do not eat what their body requires instead they consume that is not at all needed by their health. Only eating a lot will not give everything that make your body but disintegrate the diet into small servings to fulfill your requirements. Include all the components in the best possible quantity and vegetables.

Enjoy a healthy weight:

Weight of a person generally depends on many factors such as sex, height, age, and heredity. People who have excess fat in their bodies are more prone to many kinds of heart diseases, strokes, diabetes, some kinds of cancer and other illnesses.

People who are too thin generally face risks for osteoporosis, menstrual irregularities and other health problems. Approach a well-known and experienced dietician to help you resolve your problem. You also need to cultivate better hobbies for successful weight management procedure.

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