Thursday, July 15, 2010


Does you mind wander?
Today has been a real frustration for me. I’m preparing for a series of talks and find myself simply at a loss for words. I guess it’s not unusual for someone to become ‘stuck’ when it come to writing but for me being stuck is not a place I long to be. Usually words come quickly and writing them down is more of a problem than the words themselves. Paragraph after paragraph would come and go and I could smile as I produced another piece of myself - only in written form.

But today has been empty of words and quiet in a solitary way. I’m alone with my quiet mind, in my quiet home, at my quiet computer, just waiting for the topic of the day to enter my quiet world. I sit........sit.......sit some more and nope not a word. Maybe I should get something to drink. Yes, that will do it. I’m back and had a great drink. I sit.....sit.....sit. Boy what a day! Did I tell you my mind is wandering all over the place. Probably not so.....guess what, my mind is wandering all over the place.

What can I say that would add meaning to my day (and yours). Oh, wow! Yep, smack me in the head why don’t you. Silence. That is my lesson today. I’ve been so busy doing nothing that I couldn’t her my inner self screaming. So much to do, so little time to do it. On and on goes the mind when silence is all it requested. I ask myself if everyone’s lives are the same. Going here and there without any real direction except the direction we feel we need to go. Gabber, gabber all day long out blasting any thought we could have had to silence that noisy friend. I forgot about silence and my need for it daily.

I always have a time set each day when I ‘disappeared’ and went about my inner cleansing but somehow over the past several months my world has spun out of control and that time was lost. Time to get back to basics I say. How about you? Are you like me full of scurry and hurry? Do you spend energy (you know the stuff we need to live) spinning your wheels? Do you forget about silence and where it fits in your daily routine?

Well, it’s time to replace my ‘busy time’ with my ‘sanctuary time’ and get back on track with my life. No time like the present to do my mind a favor. I’d love to chat some more but there is another world waiting for me and I can’t wait to find out what my life will become next.

Namaste my friend.

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