Friday, July 9, 2010

Positive Thinking Tips

Positive thinking can be your best friend, but often people struggle with it. To help fight this problem,follow these thirty positive thinking tips.

1. For you to achieve your dreams, your dreams must be more real than your fears.

2. Money comes and goes in life, but spiritual enlightenment and self awareness last forever.

3. You'll find a way if you really want something. If you really don't, you'll find an excuse.

4. Do you feel encouraged, empowered and uplifted? Or do you feel discouraged disabled and beaten down?

5. You mind works best when you ask it questions.

6. The universe expands at the level of the requests and questions that you ask.

7. Money is energy which is why they call it currency.

8. Eliminate pain by noticing the good.

9. Always look for the immediate benefit camouflaged inside of every experience of life.

10. Positive thinking gets positive results that pay positively.

11. What could I learn that would transform those challenging events into valuable lessons?

12. Why would God love me enough to give me this growth experience?

13. There is always enough in the universe.

14. Ideas start as fiction, become theory, and are then melded into fact.

15. Success is the ability to go from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm. - Winston Churchill

16. Focus on your blessings and your blessings will expand.

17. What happened in the past does not determine what will happen.

18. Sometimes in life you need to get lost to find your way.

19. Why would anyone want to send you money?

20. If you had to create something in the next 90 minutes that could be generating cash in the next 90 days, what would it be?

21. You always want to think of new ways to monetize the popularity of your website traffic.

22. The universe is a friendly place and abundance is available for everyone no matter what you might think.

23. No one mind is complete until working in harmonic purposeful relationships with others.

24. To become a great person, entrepreneur, leader, artist speaker or author, you must have a dream team.

25. TEAM stands for together everyone achieves miracles.

26. How you think about a problem is more important than the problem itself. - Norman Vincent Peale

27. Problems can lead to innovated solutions.

28. My problems make me stronger, wiser and more courageous.

29. The future of moneymaking is simplicity, outsourcing, innovation, diversifying and constantly building passive, recurring revenue so you are in control.

30. Your ultimate want must be so burning, so important, of such a high priority that nothing distracts you from it.

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