Thursday, July 15, 2010

Changing Seasons

Changing Seasons can show the way to life change.

It’s that time of year when “ole man winter” just won’t let go. You know, one day its nice and mild while then next it’s freezing cold again. Here in Maine we are witnessing this yearly ritual. Yesterday it was warm while today as I gaze out my window where the temperature shows 32 degrees. Now that doesn’t sound like a bad day but when you've been teased by mother nature into the false belief that spring has sprung it comes as a cold reminder that the cold has not completely gone away.

Then there are the people who are in denial about the lingering winter. I see them jogging in their shorts and t-shirts as if it was 75 degrees and sunny. I look at them and feel like I’m the one who is not in sync with the calendar. We each have our own temperature mechanism and no two are necessarily alike. To some 32 degrees is coat and sweater time while others shorts and t-shirts are just the right combination. My son is one who like the colder weather and wilts in the summer heat. Funny how different we can be.

Then, of course, there is mud season. As our world reaches that ‘in between’ stage we here in New England enter a time we calll mud season where instead of snow or green grass we see mud in all its glory. There’s mud on the roads, mud on the sidewalks, mud as you enter anyone’ home, and mud on your child’s - well, you know, - mud on your child. The good news is mud season ends as summer begins so mud season is more of a marker than a season but it is real nevertheless.

One thing that is fun in New England is the consistency of the seasons. Each season offers its own beauty and charm with the assurance that soon things will change and the next season will be ushered in. Year after year like clockwork we have the faith to know this consistency will prevail even amid the threats of climate change. I have found that people have different ways of interpreting this consistency and it is how they see change in this consistency that determines how they look at life.

Some people change their views and feelings as fast as the wind changes direction. Some only think of their present moment and forget about the needs of others. They live selfish lives and never concern themselves over the plight of those ‘beneath’ their standards. They are people you cannot count on in the future because they change and melt into the world as they see it. They forget about those around them and discover in the meantime how little they actually know about their lives.

I feel sorry for people who cannot see but only think they know what is best for everyone. They miss the real message in life. Love others as you would have them love you. Simple yet profound. As we approach the summer season it is more important than ever to spread our love to everyone we meet. You know, a simple act of kindness, a giving away of something you no longer use, or the acknowledgment of another’s presence is all that is needed to begin to change from winter to spring in our lives. Our emotional body will react to such simple gestures and create a ripple in time that will be felt around the world.

Winter, mud season, and now spring is upon us. As the trees leaf and the flowers bloom let us together allow our souls to grow and expand in ways unknown before. Let us join as one and begin the transfer from the cold of winter to the warmth of spring. Just as the seasons change we can each change our viewpoint on life and begin to feel each other’s needs and start a new way to being. Life is a beautiful experience that we get to explore freely without boundaries. Live your life to help others and in turn spread love throughout the universe.

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