Sunday, July 18, 2010

Get over a break up quickly - Tips and help

Break up is something you never wanted to experience otherwise you have not taken those first steps to getting into the most beautiful relationship on this planet i.e., Love.

But now you have it and before thinking about tips to get over it, it's important and required to know the reason behind it. Here are quick 6 reasons that are responsible for any break up:

1. Unfaithfulness

2. Not paying attention to his/her needs/values/principles.

3. Allowing the relationship turning into something you never wanted to because of something or other.

4. Not being able to tolerate each other any longer though you both swore to understand each other and live together till last breaths.

5. Over expectations.

6. Habits that you concealed from him/her while dating and falling in love so that you were loved and accepted without that.

Well, read above reasons again and again till you realize what was it that caused your break up. Now about the tips to get over break up and having him/her back:

The most important: Try to find a way to communicate. In absence of that all and any of the tips will go in vain so be sure you don't keep quiet and speak it all out.

1. Clear the doubts - If you feel/know that there has been any doubt; don't delay in clearing it as soon as possible.

2. Start respecting his/her emotions - If you have been lacking it; i strongly recommend you to start respecting and giving values to the emotions shown by your partner as every human being has got self respect.

3. Respect personal space - I always suggest everyone to respect everyone's personal space. In case you don't know about it; it's all about that space in an individual's life where no one is allowed to enter and if someone tries he is hurting the other.

4. Start noting down all the good points about your partner. If you can't think of any, just ask yourself why you want to get over your break up and you'll get plenty of these points. Now go and tell about all these to him/her expressing how much he/she means to you.

5. Ask for forgiveness - Yeah, I hear you ask "WHY ME?". And the answer is because you did something wrong or something wrong just happened and you want to apologize for it. After all, your love is important to you. Isn't he/she?

So I hope my this quick attempt helped you thinking bout the ways to get your ex back and will get him/her back to you Forever!!!

Take Care and Live Lovingly

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