Thursday, July 29, 2010

Tips For Maintaining Good Health

Following are the tips of enjoy a happy and healthy life:

Eat a range of nutrient-rich foods:

The body requires more than 40 kinds of nutrients for maintaining a good health. Sadly, there is no a single food that can provide everything that your need. In general, the best combination of diet should include bread and other whole-grain products; fruits; vegetables; dairy products; and meat, poultry, fish and other protein foods. It also depends on the amount of calories that your consume on every day. You can consult an expert or get to know your requirements by consulting from a recognized Food Guide Pyramid.

Enjoy food stuffs that build your body:

Many surveys clearly show that most people do not eat what their body requires instead they consume that is not at all needed by their health. Only eating a lot will not give everything that make your body but disintegrate the diet into small servings to fulfill your requirements. Include all the components in the best possible quantity and vegetables.

Enjoy a healthy weight:

Weight of a person generally depends on many factors such as sex, height, age, and heredity. People who have excess fat in their bodies are more prone to many kinds of heart diseases, strokes, diabetes, some kinds of cancer and other illnesses.

People who are too thin generally face risks for osteoporosis, menstrual irregularities and other health problems. Approach a well-known and experienced dietician to help you resolve your problem. You also need to cultivate better hobbies for successful weight management procedure.

How to Shape Up Post-C-Section

Post C section Exercises as advised by as Physiotherapist

Post surgery any training needs to be supervised in the early stages so the wound does not open. Coordinated breathing exercises can be started immediately. All post partum exercises should be started gently and by starting with simple pure Pilates coordinated breathing exercises.

As a Physiotherapist and a Pilate's teacher and a mother of 3 boys. I have knowledge to share on this topic.

All Post C section exercises need to be started immediately under strict supervision. The wound needs to be clean and strong and healing. Follow the nursing staff advise on this

I can give you some very simple techniques to start with.

OK What Program should you do?

This is an exercise I give every patient having had any surgery. This is an exercise to initiate the Transverse abdominal muscle (TVA). This muscle is one of the most vital post c section exercises. It will help with pain and scar adhesion's and core strength. You can also start initiating the pelvic floor.

I also give this exercise to all new mothers post pregnancy.

I have modified this exercise for the post C section mother for extra success and for pain relief

o Lay on your tummy with a pillow under your tummy.
o put a pillow under your feet as well
o concentrate on your breathing pattern,
o feel your chest or belly moving with your breath, pain may make the breath shallow
o As you blow out draw your belly button in toward your spine. there will be very little to start with.
o Let it out as you breathe in, this will be very weak when you start and may cause pain.
o This is the opposite pattern to which you are used to.
o Your post c section exercises have started, simple as that
o hold your belly as you practice it will be painful first up

o Practice coordinating your breath out while drawing your tummy in.
o This coordinating breathing action can be practiced in any position once you have the pattern correct.
o progress the post c section exercises by drawing your tummy in while breast feeding or on the toilet or just resting, try it without the breath out.

Start this simple exercise and you are on your way to the next post c section exercises.

The next step

Once you have the TVA muscle working you can train it to be functional.

Begin to hold the muscle tight while you are doing a task. The post c section exercises progress quite quickly once you can hold the tone while working. For more information follow the links.

Be sure to be safe with any post partum exercises especially the post c section exercises as you become more mobile Follow the links below for more information on this exercise program

Best Bra For Sagging Or Small Breasts

Unfortunately time is something no person can escape. As time marches on, your body gets older and has visual and physicals effects on everyone, from wrinkles to loss of hair, no one can escape time. Many women find that as they age they develop sagging breasts, this can often be accelerated after childbirth. Unfortunately cosmetic surgery is still very expensive and the risks involved with the procedures remain quite high.

Thankfully there is a very real, instant and amazing product available. This product is so good that sagging cleavages are instantly raised, given a fuller firmer look, with a side order of perkiness added. What is this amazing product I hear you say? Well believe it or not it is the simple bra, well the push up bra to be specific.

The push up bra has been with us for a long time, talk has it that it was first developed in 1943 in conjunction with Howard Hughes, specifically for a lady called Jane Russell. Eva Herzigona really brought the push up bra to the fore, in the 1990's, jumping on to the world stage shouting "Hello Boys".

So what is the push up bra and how does it work for you?

Really it is a specially designed bra to push together the individual breasts up and together, this gives an amazing amount of lift to the cleavage and bringing a fullness and firmness to your cleavage. The original padded bra had cotton inserts, which gives the added lift and firmness to the cleavage.

A more modern take on the cotton inserts is "Gel bras" also known as water bras or silicon bras. These are identical in the design to the push up bra with the exception that the cotton inserts are replaced with liquid filled inserts. The advantages of these types of inserts over the cotton ones are that they are more natural looking and allow a natural looking movement as well. This is a matter of personally taste, some ladies prefer the firm look and hold, while others prefer the natural movement look, its up to you to decide what works best for you.

If you suffer from sagging breasts and do not want or can't afford permanent breast augmentation/cosmetic surgery, then one of the best options for you is the bra, ladies the push up bra is the answer. There really is no better bra to help with sagging breasts than the push up bra, original, gel, water or silicon.

Breast Milk - Biological Benefits

Children are precious gifts given from God. Parents are not to stop caring, adoring and loving their newborn babies. Babies are precious, as mom and dad it's a must that you take good care of your baby. Nutrition wise mothers have a choice, there's a highly recommended feeding, and it is breastfeeding.

It was already fully developed since past times, the healthy benefits in breastfeeding. Immunological benefit truly is the major reason as to why breastfeeding becomes a highly suggested feeding for infants, to have good health. Advantages of breastfeeding include better digestion, protection towards allergies and infectious diseases.


Breastfeeding helps eliminate meconium a substance (stool actually) which was in the intestine of an infant. The breast milk also offer different protection factors, to the infant's digestive system, protecting him/her against diarrheic type of condition

Unlike the commercialized prepared milk formula, the breast milk does change in a lifetime, in the relationship of mother and infant. Through breast milk the baby does meet its needs in nutrition, in every stages of his or her life.

Breastfeeding in relation to the close contact of a baby to its mother does provide vaccine on the safe bacteria which a baby needs to colonize intestinal gut. These certain microorganisms, they are providing its basic material needed in manufacturing the vitamins as well as digestion of food when the infant's digestive tract already matured.


Breastfeeding do provide babies of many benefits and immunological advantages too, Breastfeeding as well do provide babies of ongoing sources of antibody, which a baby's immune system hasn't developed.

A mum's immune system becomes mature with time, so she will have the chance building up resistance to diseases or infections that cause pathogens. This protective resistance can be passed to the baby from the breast milk formed as antibody.

There are certain microorganisms coming from babies that the mother can pick up due to your close contact, thus, a mother develop an antibody for those pathogens that her baby might pick up.


The presence of proteins in the breast milk of mother's which have been species specific prevents babies from being allergic on their mother's breast milk, so babies can't be allergic. Babies on their first weeks still has an immature lining of gut, it means that it enables a large molecule leak on this intestinal gut. If this protein passes through the baby's immature immune system, allergy might result.
Through breastfeeding, an infant is protected against the allergic reactions and provides infant the substance called Secretory IgA. It is an immunoglobulin found in breast milk and colostrums, preventing absorption of a foreign molecule when an infant still has an immature immune system.

Healthy advantages in breastfeeding is very popular, pediatricians are highly recommending this method of feeding infants during its 1st year and they advice to continue this up to the baby's 2nd year.
In summary, breastfeeding accompanying benefits are wonderful both to babies and mothers. To encourage and support mothers to breastfeed will be beneficial to the community in producing happy and healthy babies.

So You Have Cancer

What might be one of the hardest things a woman can hear? Well a good friend of mine, over five years ago, was told by her doctor that she had breast cancer. I am here to tell you that this was one of the hardest things this woman has ever heard from her doctor. And by the way I have her permission to relate this story.

She said that she thought her heart was going to stop. Her first reaction was certainly fear and then her disbelief set in. But she and I worked together to keep her stress level down while she conducted this health battle.

What would you do, may I ask? Well she decided to just take it slow. All of her thoughts, the advice of her friends and family and all of the information like choosing which hospital and which treatments were certainly over whelming. But to her credit she took it one day at a time.

She gave herself permission to feel sad and to get a little nostalgic. She joined a local support group of women who are cancer survivors. They all have been through it and still are going through it. She made sure she was taking good care of herself both physically and emotionally.

Then a light went on (her words), she is still a mother and wife, that did not change and with it come responsibilities. So she said to herself, shape up as you are needed! Now her attitude was and still is that she would not allow this to beat her, she was and is going to win and win she did, just got her free pass for another five years.

In a nut shell she created a plan and got very organized, that was the only way. She asked lots of questions, she became a great listener and then she went out into the world and stopped feeling sorry for herself. As I have been told many times by her, a great attitude was what she calls her great equalizer.

She just knew she was not going to quit in this battle and she kept her head high. She was always asking what can I do next? She was and still is hard to keep up with. She is fully aware her fight is truly never over but as time has passed her confidence has risen with it. And as always you must live well to be well.

I think. I read. I care. I inform. I coach.
A great real story about my friend.
My passion is to help.

Sandeep Rajput

Breast Cancer Alert For Women

Cancer is a lethal disease which kills the most number of people, right after heart diseases. When the cells in the body are affected by cancer, they begin to multiply rapidly and form a lump or a tumor. Cancer shows no significant symptoms until it has spread considerably and has damaged your immune system.

The initial symptoms are quite harmless and similar to non cancerous health problems; it may often go unnoticed. Therefore it is important to pay attention to any chronic or persistent health issue, even if it is only a headache or a sore throat, especially if you have a family history of cancer. Cancer can be cured completely if detected on time.

There are more than a hundred different types of cancers and the various names are given according to the body part affected by the disease. breast cancer and cervical cancer are the two types of cancer that women have to watch out for, especially if they have a history of the disease in the family. There are special screenings that can help detect both cervical and breast cancer in time.

Breast Cancer Detection and Treatment

You should carry out breast self examination regularly and check the breasts for lumps or any abnormal changes in appearance, such as dimpled skin, color change, nipple discharge or pain. Your breasts are at the lowest level of sensitivity just after your menstrual period. So try examining them at this time every month.

This procedure can help even small lumps and this can make a difference of at least six months in starting treatment and improves the chances of survival. Most of the lumps are generally non cancerous but it is better to have it checked by a surgeon to rule out the possibility of cancer.

The investigations may consist of mammogram and a biopsy if needed. Biopsy is performed under general anesthesia and the lump is removed and checked in the laboratory for cancerous elements. If the lump is found to be malignant, lymph nodes from the armpit need to be tested further to find out how much the cancer has spread.

You might need surgery to remove the cancerous lump. Modern surgical procedures do not need the breast to be removed unless the tumor is very large or is closely situated near the chest wall. Just a lumpectomy would be sufficient along with other usual treatments like chemotherapy, radiation or hormone therapy.

The entire procedure requires you to stay in the hospital for about five days and you will need to go afterwards for lymph drainage. You will also be taught some exercises to ease the movement of your arm which might be affected due to some tissues getting removed from the armpit. Thereafter, you will have to continue for some time with chemotherapy, radiation or hormone therapy, whichever your oncologist decides.

It is very important to fight cancer with a positive attitude because a negative attitude will weaken your immune system. There are women who have not even stopped working during their struggle with cancer, except for the few days of hospitalization, and have emerged triumphant with the support they get from the workplace and family.

Remember, cancer is not always fatal. With timely treatment and a positive attitude, this killer disease can be overcome.

Honeymoon Romance After the Wedding

Honeymoon romance after the wedding usually vanishes from the relationship because of the problems and cares of the world. Couples end up going through withdrawals from planning and getting married. The honeymoon is over.

What happened to the honeymoon romance after the wedding?

Most relationships lack romance after the wedding because of frustrations of everyday living. You're back from the honeymoon and back to the hustle and bustle of life. The job picks up where it left off. There is no end in sight for all the world has to throw at you.

As long as you keep romance in your relationship nothing else will matter. As you made your vows to support each other in good times and bad, you begin to realize how tough it is to keep your relationship fresh and romantic.

There's not enough time in the day to accomplish all the goals you have. The job creates pressure; the car has problems; bills keep coming and the frustrations of life weigh heavily on the brain.

You realize you must go back to the basics of what brought the two of you together and that is love and romance. Jobs will breed frustration; bills will continue to accumulate; problems will arise on every front and if you're not careful the problems of life will creep in and steal your romance after the wedding.

Don't let it happen. Dance!

We witnessed the kind of intimate closeness that comes from ballroom dancing from the popular reality TV show, "Dancing with the Stars". Dancing is the ultimate romance tool before during and after the wedding. It's up to you to create the romance.

The show plainly illustrates how various ballroom dance moves really brought couples together again and again. Some couples should never have been paired up because of incompatibility but they learned to get along with each other for the sake of the competition.

You're not starting with a disadvantage because of your history together as the romantic couple that got married. Learning to be partners again while holding and twirling each other should be a lot easier because you already love each other. Don't wait until the world has brought your relationship to a grinding halt.

Get up and dance!

There will be tons of holding each other while ballroom dancing and a great way to get close. As you look at the component parts of ballroom dancing, it's probably safe to say it was invented by a man as a way to get close to the ladies.

The history of ballroom and ballroom dance types were developed in England according to Wikipedia, and are regulated by the World Dance Council (WDC). In the United States, two additional variations are popular: American Smooth and American Rhythm.

Ballroom dancing should be an official metaphor for practicing to be romantic with your partner. All of the leading and following creates instant closeness. Learning to help each other align and balance your bodies is a recipe for developing good team work with each other.

A good dancer needs to practice, practice, practice and a good marriage needs the same; and you don't have to be as mean as the judges on Dancing with the Stars to accomplish your goals.

Help each other. Love each other. Laugh with each and dance with each other because the world can beat you up. The two of you must always battle the world together and learn to create romance after the wedding.

Ballroom dancing is a good place to start.

5 Top Tips for creating romance after the wedding.

1. Realize the frustrations of jobs rob you of time and start scheduling time alone.

2. Realize bills can cause frustration and start budgeting.

3. Realize random problems will arise to help pull you apart and communicate with each other.

4. Go back to basics of what brought you together and keep bio;d.

5. Ballroom Dancing can be a great after the wedding romance tool.

When you see the problems of the world pulling you apart, stop and create some romance!