Thursday, May 27, 2010

What Are The Top 5 Simple Ways I Can Improve My Websites Traffic?

1. Articulate Yourself

The very fact that you are reading this article itself is testament to the ongoing power of articles as a form of cost effective promotion. If you have a unique skill, whether that be reciting the combined works of seventies prog rockers Van de Graaf Generator backwards to fighten the kids or creating paper mache miniature farmyard animals then by golly, tell people about it. By writing about your specialist subject matter and distributing your articles online you are effectively setting yourself up as a guru and your article content will find a home on countless websites that are hungry to fill up their pages and offer their readers something of interest to read. The payback of course for diverging your vested knowledge is an increasing array of backlinks pointing to your website which will serve to reinforce the impression that you are one heavyweight dude/mutha in your respective field of expertese. If you can submit 1 article a week and that article is distributed to just 20 websites (although popular articles are often redistributed thousands of times) you can be looking at an additional minimum 1000 high quality backlinks every year.

2. Freshen Up

Keeping up to date fresh content on your website used to be a real grind until some bright spark developed RSS feeds (Really Simple Syndication) this allowed website owners the chance to converge other websites useful content and feed it into your own pages thus giving your boring old website a constant source of fresh stuff. The only problem with this of course is that when every website begins to carry the same source of digested news, what is going to make visitors come back to your website? Well, if you think that writing your own web content is a chore why not blog about it or tweet about it instead? Yes, by using your twitter and facebook updates live streaming on to your website you are effectively providing your followers with up to date witty information and freshening up your website content while simultaneously skiving off work. Put that in your pipe and smoke it the man!

3. Viral Infection

Looking for an easy way to reach millions of potential customers? Well if you apply some original thought you might just get that to happen. There can't be many of us who haven't been forwarded a hilarious/obscene/violent email from friends that you've instinctively then forwarded on to a handful of your confidants who might appreciate the link. Well imagine if you were the bright spark who came up with the original idea, whether that be an amusing celebrity bit of tittle tattle, a mobile phone video of your cat dumping in the neighbours porch or some other easily spread example of idiocy at large, providing theres some kind of link back to your website then you could very well see your website traffic going through the roof.

4. Free Sex! (T&C's apply)

What's the one word guaranteed to get internet users instant attention? No, we weren't talking about SEX despite the attention grabbing headline - although that does of course rank pretty high - we are refering to the word FREE. Free downloads, free samples, free membership - you name it, as long as your website visitors are not paying for something then you can bet that slowly but surely the news will get round that there's something going begging down at your website and before you know it the cheapskates will be hot footing it over to join in the fun. Naturally once these skinflints have filled their pockets you can then forward them over to some of your other paid for services - not all of them will hang around but you should get a fair few who will kindly take you up on your offers (PS. Always remember to wear a condom and scrub well after every use)

5. Get out Your Wallet

So you've tried all the above and had less visitors per week than a down trodden B&B in Weston-Super-Mare. So what's to be done? Well when all else fails it's time to get out your wallet and head for our old muckers Google and make use of the best targeted website traffic money can buy - Adwords (we're not affiliated by Google by the way - though it doesn't hurt to grease the wheels now and again). You can set up an account and have an ad running within minutes. The vast majority of internet users are largely unaware that the list of websites on the right hand side and at the top of every Google search are paying each time someone inadvertantly clicks on them. The good thing about adwords is that you can turn it on and off depending on how busy or quiet you are and how much you are prepared to spend down to the penny. So the next time you get a call from someone saying they can guarantee getting your website to the top of Google within 24 hours for just a small fee of £99 you can tell them where to get off and do it yourself for free.

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