Thursday, May 27, 2010

How to Make Your Life More Exciting

Excitement is something many of us lose over time. The demands of work, home and family seem to erode our sense of excitement.

Remember a time, perhaps in childhood, when you were excited? Maybe it was because you had gotten a new bike and could not wait to ride it. Perhaps it was because your best friend had invited you for a sleep over.

Now think about a more recent event where you received something you wanted or went to an event and how you felt. You may have enjoyed your self but you certainly were not as excited as when you were a child.

Excitement is an emotional state of mind. The key to creating more excitement in your life today is to get back to that emotional state of mind. How you choose to feel about something is up to you.

Baby steps

* Decide to observe how you feel without judgment, about the events of a single day.

* Note your emotions. Are you happy, sad, frustrated, and bored or whatever you are feeling about each event?
* Write it down. You can get fancy here with happy or sad faces or just use initials. This is your blueprint to more excitement so do it your way?
* Read each event and your emotions. Taking time to know how you feel and accepting it for what it is, is enough for one day.

Getting excited

* Choose a different emotion. The next day choose to use a positive emotion for each event that occurs that day. You do not have to really feel your positive emotion at this point, just pretend if you have to.
* Note reactions from others. Some people will respond with like emotion and some will not.
* Note your emotions. How does it feel when you are positive, even if you are faking it? How does it feel when others respond positively to you?

By changing your emotional mind set to excitement you will become more excited and allow more excitement into your life. Now you are ready to choose actions, events and people who will enhance your excitement, or positive feelings, in your life.

* You have an invitation to a friend's party on Saturday. You are excited to start finding a baby sitter, the right clothes to wear and the perfect hostess gift.
* Your co-worker says "good morning" as always but today you pause and look them in the eye and smile while you wish them a very good morning!
* You notice, for the first time, that park near work and instead of eating at your desk you are excited about a peaceful lunch outdoors.
* You decide that you would really like adult time with your spouse and you excitedly brainstorm ideas to allow for a weekend get-away.

The ways for you to feel excitement are limitless. It only requires you to take the steps to get into an excited frame of mind. The choice is yours to make.

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