Thursday, May 27, 2010


Plavix the well known drug is more prominent with the name blood thinner. It acts as a sudden relief for those who suffer from the risk of cardiac arrest due to heart beat abnormality. The treatment can be understood for atrial fibrillation. Plavix tablets contain the active ingredient clopidogrel hydrogen sulphate, which is a type of medicine called an antiplatelet. It act when the upper part of the heart tremble instead of beating properly.

A blood clot that forms inside the blood vessels is known as a thrombosis and can be dangerous, as it can cause a blockage that cuts off the blood supply to an organ. A blockage in the arteries supplying blood to the heart or brain can cause a heart attack or stroke. A blockage in the blood vessels in the extremities, eg legs, may result in gangrene.

Plavix works by preventing the adenosine diphosphate, binding to its receptors on platelets. ADP is a chemicals in human body which cause the platelets to bundle together to clot the blood. As the drug stops ADP from binding to platelets, it reduces the likelihood of clots forming in the blood.

Plavix has proved its high rate of success when done a study among 13666 patients who were more than 60 in their age where administered to take palvix when discharged from hospital. This success far above the ground is because of the proton pump inhibitors. But yet another study had revealed that these proton pump inhibitors can become more harm than the benefit it provides. When given in a combination doze. It is shore up by the cardiac specialists that the PPI drug blocks the conversion of clopidogrel to its active state, so it can't have the anticlotting activity it is supposed to. It makes the risk factor high. But if palvix is taken individual it may not have the expected output of anti-clotting attribute.

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