Sunday, May 30, 2010

Simple Weight Loss Tips

Summer is the time of year when most people are trying to lose weight and are researching different ways to help them do so.

With the sun breaking through the dark and cold Winter days, some have found themselves shedding off the multiple layers of clothes to unveil a body that does not look like their own.

Some people ask, "how has Summer come so fast? How am I supposed to lose weight before I have to wear a bathing suit?"

There are some easy ways to shed the pounds without having to drastically adjust lifestyles and eating habits.

If you are one of these people, I have six simple steps to help you feel better and more confident about your body.

First, think of this as a lifestyle change, not as a "diet." Modifying certain aspects of your eating and exercise habits will leave you healthier and will last longer than drastic, unhealthy changes will.

Second, start drinking water all the time. Especially before meals, water can fill you up so you don't eat as much.

Staying hydrated with water also gives you energy because dehydration leaves you feeling tired, groggy, and light headed.

Third, find a friend who wants to exercise with you. Studies have shown that when someone has a buddy to work and set fitness goals with, they are more likely to stay at the gym longer and eat healthier.

When people have a workout buddy, they do not feel like they are alone in their efforts, and they can talk about how they are feeling with someone they trust.

If you are a competitive person, friendly competition will help you push yourself a little harder each day. Use this to your advantage.

Fourth, set realistic and practical goals for yourself. Take baby steps if you would like. Don't be extreme and either starve yourself or work out so much that you feel like you will pass out.

Realize that it will take time to become more fit, so don't get discouraged if the six pack doesn't magically show over night.

Make several mini goals on the way to the ultimate goal, and reward yourself with things you love to keep you going.

Fifth, eat smaller portions, and eat more times in the day. It is easier for your stomach to digest smaller meals.

This will also keep your metabolism going. Eat a big breakfast, it is the most important meal of the day.

Eat more for lunch and less for dinner. Do not eat after eight.Try to eat as many fruits and vegetables as you can, and eat each food group in moderation. Eliminate sweets.

Do not let yourself become famished. When people aren't eating throughout the day, oftentimes they splurge on whatever they can get their hands on. When people are starving, they will do not care if it is healthy or not.

Sixth, walk as much as you can and be as active as possible. Find activities and sports you enjoy. No elevators or escalators! Do at least thirty minutes of aerobic exercise a couple times a week to strengthen your heart.

Personally, I have found that the more I am outside in the sun, the happier I am. I find activities that keep me outdoors. Do something that will keep your interest for a while.

When you are constantly doing something, you have less time to think about food. I know when I am bored, I think I am hungry, and I find myself eating all the time. When you eat, make sure you are actually hungry.

Eat foods that will satisfy your cravings, not just to eat.

Nature helps me feel peaceful and calm. I enjoy nature walks. Remember, in the end, losing weight is between your mind and your body.

No one is going to force you, others can help encourage you, but it is you who is going to push yourself when times get rough.

Make sure this fitness plan isn't stressing you out. Try to eliminate stress,be upbeat. Encourage yourself.

It is important to stay positive when trying to lose weight. Your body will not instantly shed pounds, so try to think of the long term perspective.

Your hard work will pay off, and you will be more satisfied with the end results if you persevere.

Don't ever have negative self-talk. As hard as it may be, continually tell yourself you can reach your goals and you are a strong person.

Beating yourself up in your mind will ultimately lead you to feel bad about yourself and will decrease your motivation.

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