Wednesday, May 26, 2010

5 Ways to Keep Your Home Safe

Here are some other things to consider in making your home safe:

- Make the home sanitized and clean. Make sure that you do not have any mice infestation in your home. Get rid of mice once you see any clues that there are inside the home. Some of the signs you can notice around the house are the following:

o Look and see if there any mice droppings in the floor or near the kitchen area. Mice do defecate near the area they normally visit.

o If you see any scratches near the lower part of the walls, or in the lower part of the corners. Mice can scratch these parts of the walls.

o Listen and hear any scratching sounds within the walls at night. If you hear this, there is a good chance that you have mice inside your home.

- Make sure that all things sharp are hidden or covered. If you have kids, taper off the corners of your tables by wrapping them in cloth. Hide the sharp kitchen utensils such as carving knives and serving forks in areas where the kids cannot have access.

- Cover electric outlets not being used. Kids may have a curious appetite and have a tendency to poke into things. We do not want to have any accidents of that nature since they are very dangerous and could prove to be fatal.

- Make sure that the kitchen and bathroom have non slip floor mats or rubberized flooring. Most home accidents happen in these areas. With wet flooring, people are likely to slip and fall. What you want to do is to make the flooring secure by placing non slip floor mats in the kitchen and by placing rubber floor tiles in the bathroom, if not placing not slip floor mats in the bathroom as well.

- Organize the garage so that it is not damp and dirty. Damp and dirty garages are the perfect place for mice to breed and live. You also will be amazed at the amount of extra space you have by organizing your garage.

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