Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Oxford MS Web Design

Getting your website found by potential customers and clients is the biggest advantage there is to profiting from owning a professional business website. There are four key points that you should consider when owning a business website to help increase your conversion rate to convert your website visitors to customers.

Email opt in list has to be integrated in your website design. By offering your visitors to your website a free newsletter or report will greatly increase your conversion rate for them to potentially become a buyer and a long term customer. This style of marketing is called Email Marketing. Ask the web design company about email marketing integration on your website during the process of development. This alone can increase your profits by the 100's of %.

Local word of mouth is always a great direction to turn to as soon as your new business website is launched. Once your community notices your professional image that your website illustrates then your profits from website visitors will increase along with more hype and positive talk about your business and the new and improved professional changes that are taking place within your company.

More traffic (visitors) to your website will increase your sales and profits. More traffic equals more customers, more sales, and more profits. Ask the web design company about the services they supply in order to increase more visitors to your business website. This is called SEO (Search Engine Optimization).

Take a strong consideration of having a business blog. Why a blog? The Internet, as a whole, loves to see that you have an updated blog on your business website. This is good for Search engines, social media, news, updates, press releases, web 2.0 etc. Having a blog will add more content to your website and the more content you have on your business website the better chances for Search engines to index your content which equals, more visitors to your website. Updated content, meaning if your business can make one new blog post every week, then this alone will help your Internet presence.

Take action on these four very important tips and you will start to see your traffic increase along with higher search engine rankings.

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