Friday, May 28, 2010

How to Lose Weight in a Week

get started lose the body weight.

there are some idea . read the idea and floow him:-

10 minutes of exercise a day

This is not asking a lot. It is only 10 minutes! The reason I say this is because below you will see that I say you need to eat plenty of fiber. This is so you have a bowel movement more often and get rid of that other yucky fecal matter that is left in your body. But to do that you need to get your insides moving around. So either walk for 10 minutes, you some crunches for 10 minutes, or any other sort of exercise. This will also burn off some of those extra calories that you may be eating. If you want to lose fat in a week, then burn those fat cells that are ready to leave your body.

Don't eat as much

I am not saying starve yourself. Instead of eating a full plate of food, eat half a plate. Make sure you get three of these small meals a day. Since you want to lose weight in a week, this should help you burn fat quicker. This will keep her metabolism going and burn off the calories. It only slows your metabolism down if you eat one meal a day.

Eat fiber

Whether you eat more fiber or take a fiber supplement, this will make you get rid of all that extra fecal matter that's inside your body. It is said that your body can hold over 10 the 20 pounds of fecal matter. Get rid of it by eating more fiber. Getting rid of the extra fecal matter will allow you to lose weight in a week.

Drink plenty of water

Drink plenty of water. Most people do not even get six glasses a day. Your body holds an extra 5 pounds of water if it realizes that you are not drinking enough. This is because it uses this in emergency situations. Just try not to over drink either. Water will also get you to have more bowel movements just like eating fiber. This should definitely get you to lose some weight in a week.

Get a Good Study Guide

Losing weight is more than just taking a walk or eating a little less. There is a lot of information that you will absolutely need to know if you are going to succeed in losing weight.

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