Saturday, June 5, 2010

World War Two

World War Two took place between 1939 and 1945 and was the biggest war in history. Allies: Soviet Union, United Kingdom, United States, Australia, New Zealand and others.
Axis Powers: Germany, Japan, Italy and others.

World War Two Leaders:
Adolf Hitler,
Winston Churchill,
Josef Stalin,
Franklin Roosevelt,
Hideki Tojo,
Benito Mussolini,

Casualties of World War Two:
50 million Military dead,
8 million Civilian dead.

Within Germany there was much anger over the Treaty of Versailles. With the onset of the Great Depression it gave Hitler and his supporters a platform on which would eventually lead to World War Two. Japan during the 1930s was a military dictatorship that was intent on becoming a world power.

1921 : July 29 : Adolf Hitler takes control National Socialist German Workers (Nazi) Party.
Oct. 29 : Mussolini appointed Premier.
1925 ; Jan. 3 Mussolini dismisses Italian parliament, assumes dictatorial powers.
1931 : Sept. 18 Japanese Army invades Manchuria.
1933 : Jan. 30 Hitler appointed Chancellor of Germany.
Mar. 23 : Hitler assumes dictatorial powers.
July 14 : Nazi party declared official party of Germany.
Oct. 14 : Germany quits League of Nations.
Aug. 19 : Hitler assumes the title of Führer.
1935 Mar. 16 Military conscription introduced in Germany.
Oct. 3 : Italian Army invades Ethiopia.
1936 Mar. 7 : German troops remilitarize the Rhineland in violation of Versailles treaty.
May 9 : Italian campaign in Ethiopia ends.
Oct. 1 : Franco becomes dictator of Spain.
Oct. 25 : Rome-Berlin Axis alliance formed.
1937 Jan. 19 : Japan withdraws from Washington Conference Treaty.
July 7 : War erupts between China and Japan.
1938 Mar. 12 : Germany invades Austria.
Oct. 15 : German troops occupy Czech Sudetenland.
1939 Mar. 15-16 : German troops occupy the rest of Czechoslovakia.
Aug. 23 : Nazi-Soviet nonagression pact signed.
Sept. 1 : German Army invades Poland.
Sept. 3 : Britain and France declare war on Germany.
Sept. 27 : Warsaw falls to the Nazis.
1940 Mar. 12 : Finland signs peace treaty with Soviet Union.
April 9 : German Army invades Denmark and Norway.
May 10 : German Army invades France, Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands.
May 15 : Holland capitulates to Nazis.
May 28 : Belgium capitulates to Nazis.
June 10 : Norway capitulates to Nazis; Italy declares war on Britain and France.
June 14 : Nazis take Paris.
June 22 : France capitulates to Nazis.
July 10 : Battle of Britain begins.
Aug. 3 : Italian Army invades British Somaliland.
Aug. 13 : Luftwaffe begins raids on British airfields and aircraft factories.
Aug. 25-26 : Royal Air Force mounts reprisal raid against Berlin.
Sept. 7 : Italian Army attacks Egypt.
Sept. 27 : Tripartite alliance formed between Germany, Italy and Japan.
Oct. 7 : German troops occupy Romania.
Oct. 28 : Italian Army attacks Greece.
Nov. 10-11 : RAF raid cripples Italian fleet at Taranto.
Nov. 20 : Romania joins Axis.
941 Jan. 22 : British take Tobruk in North Africa from Nazis.
Feb. 11 : British Army attacks Italian Somaliland.
Mar. 7 : British Army comes to aid of Greece.
April 6 : German Army hastily invades Yugoslavia and Greece.
April 17 : Yugoslavia capitulates to Nazis.
April 27 : Greece capitulates to Nazis.
May 10 : Rudolf Hess flies to Scotland on "peace mission".
June 8 : British Army invades Lebanon and Syria.
June 22 : Hitler launches operation Barbarossa; invasion of the Soviet Union.
June 28 : Germans capture Soviet city of Minsk.
Aug. 12 : Atlantic Charter signed by Roosevelt and Churchill.
Aug. 20 : German siege of Soviet city of Leningrad begins.
Sept. 19 : Germans capture Soviet city of Kiev.
Oct. 30 : German Army occupies the Crimea.
Dec. 6 : Red Army launches major counter-offensive.
Dec. 7 : Japanese attack Pearl Harbor.
Dec. 8 : United States and Britain declare war on Japan.
Dec. 11 : Germany declares war on the United States.
May 8 : Germans launch summer offensive in the Crimea.
May 30 : Royal Air Force launches first 1,000 bomber raid on Cologne, Germany.
June 4 : Japanese Navy resoundingly defeated at Battle of Midway.
June 21 : German Afrika Korps recaptures Tobruk.
July 3 : Sevastopol falls to German Army.
July 5 : Nazi conquest of Crimea achieved.
July 9 : German Army begins push towards Stalingrad.
Sept. 13 : German attack on Stalingrad begins.
Oct. 23-Nov. 3 : Afrika Korps defeated by British at El Alamein.
Nov. 8 : Allied invasion of North Africa begins in "Operation Torch".
Nov. 11 : Axis forces occupy Vichy France.
Nov. 19 : Soviet forces encircle German Sixth Army at Stalingrad, this is the beginning of the end of Hitler, the Russians turn the war.
1943 Jan. 2-3 : German Army retreats from Caucasus.
Jan. 23 : British forces take Tripoli.
Feb. 2 : German Sixth Army at Stalingrad surrenders to the Russians.
Feb. 8 : Red Army takes Kursk.
Mar. 2 : Afrika Korps withdraws from Tunisia.
May 7 : Allies capture Tunisia.
May 16-17 : RAF targets German industry in the Ruhr.
July 5 : Largest tank battle in history begins at Kursk.
July 9-10 : Allied forces land on Sicily.
July 25-26 : Mussolini and the Fascists overthrown.
Sept. 8 : New Italian government announces Italy's surrender.
Nov. 6 : Soviet Army recaptures Kiev.
Nov. 28 : Roosevelt, Stalin and Churchill meet at Tehran.
1944 Jan. 6 : Soviet Army liberates Poland.
Jan. 22 : Allied forces land at Anzio, Italy.
Apr. 8 : Soviet Army begins offensive in the Crimea.
June 5 : Allied forces enter Rome.
June 6 : D-Day: invasion of Europe begins with Allied landings at Normandy.
June 9 : Soviet Army liberates Finland.
July 9 : Allied troops liberate Caen.
July 20 : Hitler survives assassination attempt.
July 25-30 : Allied forces break-out of Normandy encirclement in "Operation Cobra".
Aug. 15 : Allies invade Southern France.
Aug. 19-20 : Soviet liberates Romania.
Aug. 25 : Paris liberated.
Aug. 31 : Soviet Army takes Bucharest.
Sept. 3 : Brussels liberated.
Sept. 4 : Antwerp liberated.
Sept. 13 : American troops reach the Siegfried Line in western Germany.
Sept. 26 : Soviet Army enters Estonia.
Oct. 5 : British invade Greece.
Oct. 14 : British liberate Athens.
Oct. 20 : Belgrade, Yugoslavia welcome Soviet forces.
Oct. 23-26 : U.S. naval forces destroy remnants of Japanese Navy at the Battle of Leyte Gulf.
Dec. 16 : German Army launches "Battle of the Bulge" offensive on the Western Front.
1945 Jan. 9 : American forces invade Phillipine island of Luzon.
Jan. 17 : Soviet Army liberates Warsaw.
Jan. 19 : German lines on Eastern Front collapse.
Jan. 20 : Hungary signs armistice with Allies.
Feb. 4-11 : Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin meet at Yalta Conference.
Mar. 3 : American forces liberate Manila in the Phillipines; Finland declares war on Germany.
Mar. 9 : Tokyo firebombed.
Mar. 21 : Allies take Mandalay, Burma.
Mar. 30 : Soviet Army liberates Danzig.
Apr. 16 : Soviet Army launches Berlin offensive.
Apr. 18 : German forces in the Ruhr capitulate.
Apr. 28 : Mussolini hanged by Italian partisans.
Apr. 30 : Adolf Hitler and wife Eva Braun commit suicide in Chancellery bunker.
May 2 : All German forces in Italy surrender.
May 7 : Unconditional surrender of all German forces.
May 8 : Victory in Europe (VE) Day.
June 5 : Allies divide Germany into occupation zones.
Aug. 6 : First atomic bomb dropped Hiroshima.
Aug. 9 : Second atomic bomb dropped on Nagasaki.
Aug. 14 : Unconditional surrender of Japanese forces.
Aug. 15 : Victory over Japan (VJ) Day.
Nov. 20 : Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunal begins.
Oct. 16 : Hermann Göring commits suicide; 11 other war criminals hanged.

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