Friday, June 11, 2010

My Wife

Sometimes work, life, routine get on the way of what is really important. I have an amazing job now, but it has the side effect that it can leave me comatose after everything that can go wrong seems to go wrong. One of the things I enjoy doing that I have not done in a while is write my wife love letters, and since just yesterday marked 3 years of marriage, I wanted to put my feelings on paper and share it with everyone.

I walked into Trader Joe’s and saw something I always spent time looking for when I saw flowers, sunflowers. You see, when Bea and I made it official she had sunflowers on her bouquet. It was not only appropriate because it was Kansas, but they are her favorite flower and a plant that her father used to know lots about (don’t you love run on sentences). I got the flowers, and even though I am not a very nostalgic person, it made me think about our life together since that day.

Marriage is a lot of work, but when you are doing it with someone you truly love it just simply feels like a good life. I have learned a lot about myself by being around my wife; she does not only make me want to be a better person, just being around her has made me a better person. It think the most important thing of it all is that she allows me to be who I am, by accepting me for what I am now and helping me become what I want to become. So before I ramble on some more, here is what I feel inside every time I look at those beautiful honey brown eyes.

I love you because you have shared with me more than with anyone else before. Every time you have trusted me with your deepest emotions I feel closer to you.

I love you because you are kind to others. You display a level of compassion for others that I have never seen before. I think at times it goes overboard, but I love you because you possess it and have not been as jaded as the rest of the world is towards themselves.

I love you because you are a tree huger. I could never be one, I could get to the high fiver status but not full on committed to save Mother Earth as I should. Again that goes back to compassion.

I love that you laugh at my stupid jokes. I have shared laughter with people before and have friends that will even say I am funny; but you are the only person that I have been able to laugh with for hours. I don’t think I have ever stayed up so late just going on a joke that we cannot stop laughing about. Laughter has really made our life so much better.

I love that we share so much, from our culture to our beliefs. I love the fact that we are both Catholic but I can be agnostic and you can be Buddhist as well. I love that at the end of the day we don’t judge each other’s beliefs structure, just that we strengthen them.

* Caution: You might want to skip the following line *
I love the way you smell and every freckle in your body, I love the way your neck smells when I hug you close to me.

I love how smart you are, not just that you speak three languages fluently (I think I am a little jealous of that) but that there is no subject or concept that I cannot present to you.

I love that you love books and learning. I don’t think I know a person that loves to read more than you do that does not work in a library.

I love that the reasons to love you are endless and that there is so much road ahead. We have not traveled together as much as we should have and hope we can start doing that soon. I want to explore the world with you because life is truly enhanced when you are around.

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