Thursday, June 10, 2010

The Greatest Threat to Young Children

The child disposition rate is computed by dividing the 3,529,172 subjects by the 73,099,128 child population of the States reported data multiplied by 1,000.

A victim may fail to report multiple disabilities. Not every child receives a clinical diagnostic assessment from CPS. Children with risk factors that include disabilities: mental retardation, emotional disturbance, visual or hearing impairment, learning disability, physical disability, behavioral problems and other medical problems go undetected include: 7.7% have an unreported disability --3.2% have unreported behavior problems---1.9% of victims have undocumented emotional disturbances.

Most States investigate all children in the family. Siblings not the subject of an allegation and not victims are categorized as no alleged maltreatment. Maryland was excluded due to incomplete reporting.

Sex and Age of Victims

The rate of victimization was inversely related to the age group overall

The youngest children had the highest rates of victimization

50.7 percent of the child victims were girls

47.3 percent of child victims were boys

From birth to 3 years the child victimization rate was 16.5%

4-7 years was 13.5%

73.1% of neglected children are from birth to 3 years.

52.7% of children 16 years and older are neglected.

Of victims between 4-7 years : 15.6% are physically abused and 8.9% are sexually abused.

Of 12-15 years old, 21.3% are physicallly abused and 17.3% are sexually abused

Data of child victims by maltreatment type in terms of perpetrator victim/relationship

A nonparental perpetrator is a caregiver -- not a parent but a foster parent, or child daycare staff, an unmarried partner of parent, legal guardian, or residential facility staff.

28.7% of sexually abused children are victimized by a relative other than a parent.

86.6% child abuse stems from neglect by a parent.

83.4% of abused children are violated by a parent acting alone or with another.

40.4% of child were maltreated by mothers acting alone

18.3% were maltreated by fathers acting alone

17.3 percent were maltreated by both parents.

Nonparental perpetrators of children accounted for 10.7 % of the abuse/neglect.

A 2005 Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) reports the types and frequency of child abuse in the United States.

3.6 million children received CPS investigations or assessments.

899,000 children were victims of maltreatment; 12.1 per 1,000 children

75.3% (three-quarters) of the victims had no prior history of victimization.

62.8% suffered from neglect

16.6% suffered physically abused

14.3% of victims experienced abandonment, threats of harm to the child, or congenital drug addiction or other types of maltreatment

9.3% were sexually abused

7.1% were psychologically maltreated

2 % were medically neglected.

These total more than 100% because child victims who experienced more than one type of maltreatment were counted for each maltreatment.*"other" is the code for a condition that does not fall into the main categories—physical abuse, neglect, medical neglect, sexual abuse, and psychological or emotional maltreatment—

Who Is Watching the Children?

74.8% of the cases of abuse were reported by nonspecified professionals

11.6% were made by medical staff

25.2% were reported by nonprofessionals.

24.3% victims of physical abuse, were reported by teachers

23.0% were reported by law enforcement officers or lawyers

Reports of neglect and sexual abuse victims were similar—

28.3% reports of sexual abuse victims come from law enforcement and lawyers (largest sources)

26.6% reports neglect victims come from law enforcement and lawyers (largest sources)

Victims of neglect by Race and Ethnicity

The largest percentage of neglect by race:

49.7% white; 23.1% African-American; Hispanics 17.4%

Rates of victimization by race:

19.5% African-American, 16.5%, American Indian or Alaska Native, and 16.1% Pacific Islander children have the highest rates of victimization.

10.8% White and 10.7% Hispanic children have lower rates.

2.5% Asian children have the lowest rate of child victimhood .

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