Tuesday, June 1, 2010


You -

who stood like Night;


painted exotic black skies
to cheeks - drunken
by twilight.

and he who whispered
"one should not sleep alone"..

ran fingertips 'cross -
unstable lips..
with breath that felt like
a thousand lady beetles


a flame upon thy neck..

'tween the verge of
-dusk and dawn-

I -

who stood like shadow;

conjured his lips -
to mine.

As the sound of
-bittersweet wind chimes-
devoured sleeping stars;
in dulcet memories.

My scintilla -

- of waking in
the scent of his arms.

Everlasting petrichor.

and he who whispered
"one should not sleep alone."

penned susurrous words
upon my hand;
that night.

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