Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Earning Money At Home Making Websites

Several years ago people assumed that to make a website, a person had to be technical wiz with a P.H.D in Information Technology. In days gone by this may well have been the case, but today with access to the Internet's free tools and resources, almost everyone with half a brain is capable of earning money at home building websites.

So what do you need to make a website anyway? Well let's start with what you don't need. You really don't need any technical knowledge as such, you don't need to know HTML (Hyper Text Mark-up Language,) you don't need to be a graphic designer. Now if you do possess any of these skills then great, but there really not necessary.

What you will need though is firstly, a WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editor like Microsoft Expression Web or Dreamweaver, or you can find a ton of free website building software online. To be honest I found the first two a little complicated so I choose to use free online software like Komposer or My Free Website Builder. Now you've got a website builder what next? This is where it gets interesting because, what you do now is search for a pre-designed website template. Yes you heard right. You can search online for pre-made website templates of all shapes, colours, and styles, many of which are free. Here are two places I often use, OSWD and Template Monster. Here you will find some terrific variety and quality.

Okay so now you have a template and a website editor. How will we start earning money from this? Well before I reveal how you make money at home, let me give you a quick run through on building your website. Open up your website builder, import your template, your first step is to save the template as an index page.

Then calculate how many pages you want for your website, and simply reproduce the index page as many times as required. Each time you copy the page save it under a different name like products, services, about us, contact, etc.

Then, simply edit the template to your liking enter videos, photos, text, audio, and viola! You've made your first website congratulations. Now you can start earning incredible money from your home doing this, on a daily basis or part time. How much can you earn? Well anything from $300-$3000 dollars per website, and who will pay you this money and why?

Your neighbourhood's small local businesses that's who, according to national statistics gathered in a published report, highlighting the fact that, nearly 55% of local businesses, the mom and pop stores have yet to build a website. This means there is a massive market going untapped, and the best part is, they are so open for the kind of services you'll be offering. If you start low and build up slowly you could have a very profitable business.

So in summing up, I've shown you where to locate the free tools and have given you a very quick lesson on how to build your website. Also I explained how to use free resources and tools, for earning money at home from local businesses in your area. I hope you found this article helpful.

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